Creating Mandalas

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What is a mandala?

"A mandala is a sacred space, often a circle, which reveals inner truth about you and the world around you."

"In Sanskrit mandala means both circle and center, implying that it represents both the visible world around us (the circle-the whole world) and the invisible one deep inside our minds and bodies (the center healing circle) from Native American and Tibetan sand-paintings to Gotgic rose windows and Hindu yantras, mandalas are used as symbols for meditation, protection, and healing."
- Clare Goodwin 1996


Students were taught how to create mandalas using repeating patterns and symmetry design. Each student created a mandala on 9x9" drawing paper using sharpies and colored pencils


I recommend using this lesson when teaching about geometry and symmetry in art.

I will be adding a template I used to create the mandalas (once I find where it went!) to this post, so check back soon or please comment for questions.


Have you found other ways to bring mandalas into your child's education?

Let me know your findings so we may all learn together!